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Ambassador Lucas Dahir

Lucas was born on May 17, 1984, in the Hurlingham neighborhood of Buenos Aires. His family lives in this city, and he lived there until he was 18 years old.

He has always been passionate about nature and extreme sports. His hobbies include rock climbing, backcountry skiing, skydiving, and especially paragliding. He considers paragliding to be a combination of disciplines that connects us 100% with our body in action and with the environment around us.

He completed his primary and secondary education in Buenos Aires. After turning 18, he undertook the following courses: 

  • Lifeguard
  • AADIDES Rescue Ski Patroller
  • Skydiving
  • Tandem Paragliding Instructor
  • APPI License: 42340
  • FAVL License: 1734
  • SIV/Advanced Course
  • Wilderness First Aid Course

How You Got Started in Climbing/Backcountry Skiing/Paragliding, etc.

After completing his secondary education,he began his career as a lifeguard with the Red Cross in Villa Gesell (Atlantic Coast). He quickly became captivated by sport climbing, which led him on a journey of exploration and experiences that gradually transformed into an incredible lifestyle. This was followed by alpine climbing, highlining, skiing, skydiving, trekking, and  finally paragliding, which allows him to experience flying through the air and covering extensive distances. he is motivated by his family, friends, and the landscapes that are always with us and which teach us and bring us music, joy, and experiences.

What is his favorite piece of gear from Direct Alpine? He says: "My favorite piece of gear from Direct Alpine is the GUIDE rigid jacket. I like its lightness and compactness."

And what does he say about Direct Alpine: „Direct Alpine stands out for the quality and innovative design of its products, ensuring a comfortable stay away from home where the clothing becomes essential for comfort during expeditions. I would recommend Direct Alpine because I have received impeccable human treatment from the representatives and the people who are part of the organization, as well as for the great support and horizon of challenges that this new opportunity presents.“